8 Life Hacks For Stoners

Life hack #1: No one is paying as much attention to what you’re doing as you are. Life hack #2: You’ll thank yourself later if you meal prep on Sunday nights. Life hack #3: Cutting toxic people out of your life is healthy. Okay, now that I’ve dropped some general knowledge on you, let’s talk about what’s really important: life hacks for stoners.

Part of what makes the cannabis community so special is that we want to share the knowledge with everyone who likes weed. So, here are some life hacks for stoners we’ve learned over the years.

Use Honey to Keep Joints from Burning Too Fast

honey dripping

Do your joints ever burn faster than you can smoke them? Solve that problem by using the honey spliff technique. After rolling your joint, dab a drop of honey or maple syrup around the skin of the paper. Next, roll the gooey joint in some freshly ground weed. You can either begin you smoke session immediately, or for added measure, pop the joint in the oven for about 5 minutes or until it starts to brown. As a result, you’ll get a joint that burns much slower and tastes delicious.

Construct a Makeshift Grinder out of Household Items

big grinder

If you’re in a jam and can’t find your grinder, you can MacGyver one with items you can probably find between your couch cushions. Find a penny and disinfect it with some rubbing alcohol. Grab an empty pill bottle and toss the coin into it along with a nug or two. Secure the bottle’s cap and then start shaking. The coin will break up the nuggets in no time.

Pop a Mint to Avoid Cottonmouth and Curb the Munchies

woman eating a mint

Two of the most notorious side effects of cannabis consumption include cotton mouth and the munchies. Smoking weed lowers your blood sugar levels and causes your salivary glands to produce less spit. Therefore, you’re left with dry mouth and a raging appetite.
However, popping a mint or another hard candy can increase your saliva production and keep your mouth nice a moist. And the sugar from the slow-melting sweet will help satiate your hunger.

Clean Your Pipe with Actual Pipe Cleaners

pipe cleaners

Have you seen those colored, wired and bristly pipe cleaners that children use for crafts? Turns out, they truly are great for cleaning out your pipes, bongs, and bubblers. They’re small enough to shove through your glass and sturdy enough to scrape out all the nasty resin. The best part? They’re super cheap. Just throw them away when you’re done.


Put Frozen Fruit in Your Bong

frozen strawberries, blueberries, raspberries

Instead of using ice in your bong, try using frozen fruit. It stays frozen much longer, and once the fruit starts to melt, it tastes amazing. This can obviously get pretty messy and sticky, so make sure you give your bong a thorough clean right after a smoke sesh to avoid any build-up.