Joint Vs. Blunt: What’s the Difference?

joint vs blunt

Rolling is an art form. One day we might even see tightly rolled cones featured in art museums throughout the world. One can only dream. As beautiful as joints and blunts are on their own, they’re also incredibly convenient and easy to stash. For this reason, joints and blunts are still the most popular way to consume cannabis, even with all the fancy new ways to get high.

However, there are still a lot of folks who don’t entirely know the difference between the two. Some say the difference is just in the rolling method, or that the terms used for each simply stem from the amount of flower you purchased, but these ideas couldn’t be any further from the truth.

Here’s how you can tell the difference when it comes to the joint vs. blunt debate.

The Anatomy of the Joint

rolling a joint with translucent paper

The joint vs. blunt problem is all too real. Look at your paper. Is it white or translucent? Joints are typically rolled in rolling papers. You can pick up regular papers at pretty much any convenience store, but there are also plenty of flavored rolling papers out there. While you might enjoy the pure taste of marijuana, it can still be fun to add some fruity flavors to your joint too.

Joints are also known for typically having a paper filter, also known as a crutch, at the mouth piece. This is usually in place to balance your joint. It’s also used to make for a smoother smoke and to keep you from burning your lips and fingers as you get down to the end of the joint.

When discussing joint vs. blunt differences, joints are also typically smaller in size than blunts, but this isn’t true all the time.

The Anatomy of the Blunt

Blunt Rolled Perfectly

Much like joints, blunts are always filled with cannabis and cannabis only. The key difference is that blunts are rolled in tobacco. Whether they’re rolled in a tobacco leaf, or just tobacco paper (which is brown in color), they add a unique flavor to the herb you’re smoking. Essentially, a blunt is just a cigar where you replace the tobacco with marijuana. As far as the joint vs. blunt debate goes, keep in mind that there is a unique buzz involved with smoking marijuana and tobacco at the same time, so blunts aren’t always for everyone.

Some people smoke joints exclusively due mostly to the fact that blunts are a little bit more difficult to roll. After grinding your weed, joints are a three-step process – fill, roll, and toke. Blunts however, are a little different. You must grind your weed up, split the cigarillo down the middle and clean out the tobacco. From there, you’ve got to lick it to seal it properly, and then you can fill it with weed. When that’s finally said and done, you’ve got to roll it up, and heat it to seal it before you can enjoy it. It can be a lot of tedious work.

Joint Vs. Blunt:

large pile of marijuana joints


  • Both filled with cannabis and cannabis products
  • Both papers and blunt wraps come in several different flavors
  • Both are incredibly popular
  • Both can be smoked alone or shared in a group
  • Both might not be ideal for your lungs


blunt wrapper

  • Joints are rolled with paper that is white or translucent in color
  • Joints usually include a crutch
  • Blunts are rolled with tobacco paper or cigarillos
  • Blunts can be more time consuming to roll
  • Blunts can give you a different buzz because they combine tobacco with marijuana.

So, that’s it! Easy, right? Those are the major key differences when it comes to joints vs. blunts. Keep this article from Leafbuyer handy, it may be useful for you again in the future!

By Nicole Flanigan