Washington State is Considering Banning Weed Candy, So Here’s a Recipe for How to Make Marijuana Gummies at Home

photo of a jar of flower marijuana next to an empty gummy bear mold, showing some tools you need to make weed gummies

In an unexpected turn of events, Washington State is considering banning marijuana-infused candies. This ban would include sweet weed-infused treats like gummies, colorful chocolates, hard candies, and fruit chews, to name just a few.

The reason for this ban?

Apparently, making edibles into sweets like gummies and candies makes them more attractive to children. And while children may like brightly colored packages and sweet gummy snacks, so do adults!

From cannabis-infused gummy bears to potent sour gummy worm edibles, adults love their marijuana candies. Just because Washington State dispensaries might not carry these tasty edibles doesn't mean you can't still indulge. In fact, making your own gummies is easy, cheap, and convenient to boot.

Learn how to make marijuana gummies and you'll never have to go without your favorite edible treat!

Fruit-Flavored Marijuana Gummies Recipe

It’s not hard to learn how to make marijuana gummies, and it’s a useful life skill for stoners. Making homemade marijuana gummies may be a lot more work than just popping by your local dispensary, but at least you'll always have access to your favorite weed treat! And the best part? You can choose whatever flavor you want!

From watermelon to pomegranate to guava, all you need is a fruit juice. Stronger juice concentrates will result in more flavorful, less weedy edible gummies.

Try using our weed strain guide to match your weed's terpenes to your fruit flavor of choice for extra-special special gummies.

Tools You'll Need:

  • A gummy mold of your choice
  • A squeeze bottle or eyedropper
  • Cooking spray
  • A large cooking pot
  • A whisk


  • 1 cup fruit juice
  • 1 tbsp lemon or lime juice
  • 1/2 tbsp honey
  • 2 1/2 tbsp gelatin
  • 2 tsp cannabis-infused alcohol
  • 2 tbsp granulated sugar
  • 1/2 tbsp citric acid (optional)

Directions: photo of eye droppers, gummy bear molds, and gummy bears

  1. This marijuana gummies recipe requires cannabis-infused alcohol. To make cannabis-infused alcohol simply activate the THC of your weed by baking it at 250 degrees for about half an hour. Grind your decarboxylated cannabis finely before combining with a high percent alcohol solution (something like Everclear). Shake and set aside for up to two weeks before using. Please note that the longer you infuse the weed, the stronger it will be (and taste).
  2. To make your marijuana gummies, combine fruit juice, lemon or lime juice, honey, and your cannabis-infused alcohol in a large mixing bowl. Whisk the marijuana gummy mixture thoroughly, then pour it into a large cooking pot.
  3. Set your stovetop to a medium-low flame and heat the marijuana gummy mixture until just steaming.
  4. Once the mixture is steaming hot, begin to whisk quickly while adding gelatin, making sure that no lumps or clumps get left behind. Remove your marijuana gummy mixture from the heat and briefly set aside to prepare the molds.
  5. Before pouring your gummy mixture, you must first prepare your gummy molds. Coat each and every gummy mold with a moderate amount of cooking spray to keep your marijuana gummies from sticking!
  6. When the molds are prepped, carefully fill the individual gummy molds with your marijuana gummy mixture. Refrigerate the marijuana gummies for at least 20 minutes, or until the gelatin has set and your gummies are nice and firm.
  7. For a more store-bought effect on your homemade marijuana gummies, try tossing your gummies in a combination of granulated sugar and citric acid. They'll taste just like the sour gummies you buy in the store! Leave out the citric acid for a sweet (not at all sour) sugar coating.

Make Your Marijuana Gummies With Care

a close-up photo of a pile of sour gummy bears

No two batches of marijuana gummies have the same potency, so make sure to take it easy when first trying your homemade gummy treats. Dispensary-made candies may come with a definitive label, but homemade edibles are always a surprise when it comes to potency. Remember that stronger gummies can be made by adding another teaspoon of cannabis-infused alcohol to the marijuana gummy mixture. On the other hand, more mild edibles are easily achieved by using a teaspoon less. And since Washington State makes a valid point about how children love sweets, make sure (if you have children) to keep your drugs out of reach. Now that you know how to make marijuana gummies, you have to make sure to keep your marijuana gummies (and other cannabis-infused candies) away from kids, pets, and anyone else that shouldn't be having them. For more information about edible marijuana safety and storage, click here.