Cannabis vs. Caffeine: Colorado Pot Shops Outnumber Starbucks

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Photo by: real life design/ shutterstock

Starbucks draws all kinds of people in, whether they're students, businesswomen, businessmen, remote workers, parents, co-workers, or free-spirited individuals looking for free WiFi and a tasty cup of coffee or tea. But aof 2017, there are more retail marijuana shops than Starbucks in Colorado. This may sound surprising to some, but many Coloradans will be nodding their heads along in understanding.  

According to the fifth annual report on the legalization of marijuana in Colorado by the Rocky Mountain High Intensity Drug Trafficking Areathere are now more than 491 retail marijuana stores, compared to 392 Starbucks. Since Colorado's recreational legalization move back in 2014, more and more retail marijuana dispensaries have been opening throughout the state, especially Denver. Because of the surplus of marijuana dispensaries, more people are consuming the plant, including young people. Based on the same reportColorado youth consume the most marijuana in the U.S., and adult consumption is creeping its way up to the top as well, which is some pretty interesting weed news.  

When there are close to 500 retail marijuana shops in Colorado, of course consumption rates will go up. However, since marijuana is used by medical patients, and Starbucks coffee is used as a caffeine booster, it's up to you to decide what you want to spend your money on.  


Photo by: Real Life Design/