Meet Dabbing Granny, the Eternally-Optimistic Internet Sensation

She’s funny, feisty, and has a whole lot of followers on social media. Her name is Gail Olson, but the world knows her as “Dabbing Granny.” She’ll tell you right away that she loves her husband and daughter but she doesn’t have any biological grandchildren. However, she considers her followers as her grandchildren.

“We are a family. A family of misfits. I embrace my quirkiness and weirdness,” Olson said. She tells us she thinks she’s the grandma many people wish they had: A granny who doesn’t judge them for consuming cannabis.

Dabbing Granny blew up the internet a few years back when she posted a video of her now-famous party trick, in which she smokes from a bong, takes a shot, does a dab, then chugs a pint of beer before letting out the smoke from the initial bong hit. She never thought anyone would notice, but they did. Just a short time later the video went viral. It just kept growing from there. Now, Dabbing Granny has more than 750,000 Instagram followers, with thousands more following her each week.

Leafbuyer Met Dabbing Granny!

The Leafbuyer TV team drove from the Denver area to Colorado Springs to meet this Granny everyone is talking about.

Olson wanted to meet up at Green Faith Ministries in Colorado Springs, which is reportedly the first federally-recognized cannabis sacrament church. She says that is a place where she likes to go and “medicate” and talk with others about life.

She greeted us with a hug and a smile. We noticed right away her palpable sense of humor and bold marijuana leaf earrings. (She says those are a conversation starter everywhere she goes.)

We were lucky enough to ask her a few questions, including about how she became an internet sensation.

“I don't understand,” she said. “I am the same person I’ve always been, but what I did is I went on YouTube every morning and I made a video. I guess I must be a bit of a narcissist and never realized it, because you're sitting there with your phone or your iPad in front of you – there's nobody there – but you talk, and you have a great conversation,” Olson said.

Dabbing Granny’s Instagram

“I'm pretty much always happy. I always have a smile. I am the world's eternal optimist. No matter what that situation is, there is always something positive that will come from it. I tell people to look for that,” Olson said.

Dabbing Granny Shuts Down Her Haters

Just because she’s happy and nice, doesn’t mean she will put up with the haters. She won’t.

“I have had my fair share of (haters). People will warn them when I’m live. There’s usually a couple hundred people trying to talk to me. There are certain things I won't tolerate: rudeness, disrespecting people. My followers will say, ‘You better stop. She's going to get you.’ “Oh, I will get you; I will roast you; I will make you cry. I'm not always sweet,” Olson said with a smile.

If you have haters, that means you're doing something right,” she said. “If I wasn't prominent and causing a stir about stuff, I wouldn't have haters. I expect the haters.”

Eternal Optimism

Granny says she’s grateful for all of her supporters. She’s always listening to podcasts to educate herself. She promises to be out front and center to talk about relevant issues.

I will always stay humble, because I don't know what it is I do other than I try to offer education. I say, ‘We like to educate and medicate,'” she said.

Dabbing Granny talks about everything, including her husband’s addiction to opioids. She says she became a true advocate when marijuana helped him with his addiction. “It took two years, but my husband is opioid free.”

Granny says she promises to always keep it real.

“I’m very real and I never bullshit, because I smoke too much, and then you have to remember those lies, and that's too much work,” she said.

Dabbing Granny’s optimism is infectious, which might be the reason her followers adore her so much. It’s all about doing what you love, standing up for what you believe in, and taking care of those around you.

Thanks for the laughs, Dabbing Granny!