What are Different Types of Marijuana Irrigation Systems?

Several Types of marijuana irrigation systems to water your weed

Irrigation is a crucial part of growing cannabis. Like other plants, marijuana must have some sort of system supplying it with water to promote growth. Fortunately, gone are the days where consumers and distributors were forced to jury-rig marijuana irrigation systems from the outdoor hose to a small closet. In today’s prosperous industry, growing plants takes a good deal of effort and much more space. Watering plants by hand is now inefficient and inaccurate. Once a grower realizes this, the next step is to find a system that fits the growing patterns and needs of the plants.

Today's cultivation methods allow growers to choose systems that fit their grow space. Hydroponic systems create a variety of methods to grow with soil or just water and nutrients in a solution. Moreover, it can be done using grow rock, sand, or gravel. Hydroponic systems have the ability to remove bacteria in the soil and balance changes in pH levels.

Pure Water

Before irrigating, growers must decide whether or not to use reverse osmosis. Reverse osmosis uses high pressure to force the natural process of osmosis to happen in reverse. It is designed to remove a variety of aesthetic and health-related contaminants. Some say it’s prone to cause corrosion in metal pipes. The debate as to whether or not to use it as a standard procedure is still going on.

Deep Water Culture

Also known as a Bubbleponics System, this method suspends a pot from the center of the lid. The roots remain in the nutrient-filled water. An air pump is needed to provide oxygen to the plant's roots.


With this method, no maintenance is needed after setup. Compared to other systems, cannabis grows at a faster rate. Even with less added nutrients, it produces a higher yield. Minimum space is needed to grow.


It doesn't need maintenance, however, is it difficult to setup. Root rot and other root issues may arise. This means that the plants’ roots need to be checked on occasionally. If the roots are brown, stringy,

Nutrient Film Technique (NFT)

It is a shallow stream containing nutrients passing through the plant's roots. This way provides faster growth, greater yields, and delivers an efficient water supply. Because there's no soil, there are fewer pests to worry about. The stream must be as shallow as a film. This method was created in the 1960's by Dr. Allan Cooper. It has since evolved to the process we know today.


The structure is space efficient and has a continuous flow hydro system. Its delivering of a consistent flow prevents salt and other minerals from building up. The water recirculates, allowing a grower to use a minimum amount. It's easy to see the health of the root and clean around its setup.


If a pump fails, crops will die quickly. Additionally, this method is not best for tap-root systems. It may not work with plants that need more attention.

EBB and Flow System

With this system, plants are placed on a grow bed or drain table. Both must be able to hold a few inches of water. The solution is pumped and floods the holding bed. The plants are watered through a drain holes in the pot.


This system is easy to build, maintain, and costs little. The method works with organic nutrients that have the possibility of reuse. You can use any types of mediums to grow.


It can easily build up salts and minerals because of flooding at the bottom and not flushing at the top. Because of the buildup, a plant may lack nutrients. There are height restrictions because of the reservoir and tray.


This the the best marijuana irrigation systems for those who want to grow in an air or mist environment. This can be done without soil or any kind of medium. It is unlike most hydroponic irrigation systems, as others use a liquid nutrient solution as a growing medium.


Aeroponics needs minimum maintenance and produces a high yield. All excess water is reusable removing much of the issue of waste. This may also help conserve water.


A lot of power is used to maintain an aeroponics system. If a power outage occurs, plants may be lost. This system is expensive, and the grower must have technical knowledge. Standard cleaning of the mechanism needs to be done on a regular basis.

Drip Irrigation

This system is efficient and cost-saving. It's a slow marijuana irrigation system designed to directly push water into the plant roots. It's engineered to produce specific amounts of water. Drip Irrigation is measured by gallons per hour and a timer is needed to help schedule the watering sessions.


Drip irrigation's advantage over other hydroponics systems is it only pulls the amount of water it needs. It can be created at home and is easy to do. One of the benefits is that the system’s automation allows growers to measure nutrients down to the millimeter.


There have been problems with this method's, moisture distribution. Clogging may occur if it's not filtered correctly. It's pretty expensive and needs a lot of maintenance. The quality of its tubes diminishes in direct sunlight.

The types of marijuana irrigation systems growers choose are mostly dependent on personal preference. Growers may weigh different aspects compared to others when deciding what’s best for them and their grow.