How CBD Affects Opioid Addiction

    DISCLAIMER: Content in this article is for reference purposes and is not intended to substitute for advice given by a physician, pharmacist, or other licensed health-care professional. Always seek the guidance of your doctor or other qualified health professional with any questions you may have regarding your health or a medical condition.


    The opioid crisis is taking lives of thousands of Americans. In fact, drug overdose has become one of the leading causes of death in the United States. According to a study done by the National Survey on Drug Use and Health, “Over 97 million people took prescription painkillers in 2015; of these, 12 million did so without being directed by a doctor.” Opioid addictions are coming at us from several different angles, but it all started at a single point.

    The different paths to addiction began with the over-prescription of opioid pain killers. In other words: pharmaceutical companies are to blame. However, as big as this problem is, there is a solution sitting right in front of us.

    The Opioid Crisis

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    The opioid crisis in America is becoming such a nationwide issue that President Trump is considering a state of emergency. This would allow support funding to help come up with a solution to this crisis. The interesting part about this crisis is that one of the leading industries in our nation is behind it all. Pharmaceutical companies, like Insys, are the ones manufacturing most of these opioids.

    Pharmaceutical companies must be better regulated. The problem with this is if the pharmaceutical companies lose money, then the government loses money. It is this constant cycle of big money that leads us to very few solutions. Insys in particular manufactures a synthetic opioid called fentanyl. Fentanyl and heroin have become the leading cause of overdoses in patients. Fentanyl is found in a wide range of pain killers and is commonly known to be an additive in street drugs. The beginning to solving this problem lies with addressing the production of these synthetic opioids.

    Leafbuyer Hemp Bombs CBD

    CBD is a non-psychoactive cannabinoid within the cannabis plant. It is the second most common cannabinoid, just following THC (the psychoactive cannabinoid).

    A commonly asked question about CBD is “Can I get CBD products in my state?” This compound is technically labeled as illegal by the DEA, but hemp-derived CBD can be found in every state. Cannabis-derived CBD usually contains a federally illegal amount of THC, but hemp-derived CBD is legal solely because it contains little to no THC. Hemp-derived CBD has given patients around the nation the ability to obtain this remarkable product. In a study done by Brightfield Group and HelloMD on 2400 consumers:

    “Fully 42 percent of CBD users in the study said they had stopped using traditional medications like Tylenol, ibuprofen and stronger prescription (addictive) pain relievers, after successfully switching to CBD.”

    The Best Hemp-Derived CBD Products Available

    new sample CBD product bundleWith the quick growth of this untouched market, consumers are seeing a lot of different CBD products. It is important that consumers take the time to research the best products and know what they’re getting. There is an up-and-coming CBD product called “Hemp Bombs” that is taking the market by storm. Their product is organically grown European hemp CBD, and they ensure that their product has no THC. This allows their CBD products to be available to consumers around the nation. Hemp Bombs takes pride in their products and are here to help the consumers. They have a wide range of products that serve a variety of purposes.

    Hemp Bombs Products:

    • CBD Capsules: 40mg, 150mg, 300mg, 600mg
    • CBD Gummies: 50mg, 150mg, 300mg, 600mg
    • CBD Vape: 50mg, 200mg
    • CBD Oil: 300mg, 600mg, 1800mg
    • CBD Syrup: 100mg
    • CBD Pain Rub: 50mg, 200mg

    All of Hemp Bombs’ products are infused with a CBD Isolate. Their isolate is pure CBD and is tested by independent labs to ensure quality, which is what makes them stand out amongst the rest. By providing their consumers with a variety of products, they tailor to most needs. Hemp Bombs is a great alternative for any patients looking to get off their pain medications. Plus, Hemp Bombs sells all of their products to wholesale CBD distributors.

    Article By: Justice Council

    Hemp Bombs is a proud partner of

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    Justice Council is a freelance writer, CBD specialist, and cannabis enthusiast located in Denver, Colorado. His wide range of experience as a budtender, delivery driver, and CBD sales rep has given him a unique look into this new world of cannabis. Throughout his career in the industry, Justice has written many pieces on culture, economics, product knowledge, and career opportunities within the cannabis space. He takes pride in being part of a truly pioneering industry.