Former Colorado Jail Might Become Giant Grow Facility

Indoor Cannabis Grow Facility

BrushPrison-630x367Colorado resident Nicholas Erker recently purchased an abandoned correctional facility in Brush, Colorado.

His plans? Turn the whole thing into a massive cultivation operation.

He may have to wait a bit, however, as Brush, like many other Colorado towns, has a temporary moratorium on cannabis sales until 2016. This means that no one can grow or sell cannabis within the confines of the city. Similar moratoriums exist in towns like Colorado Springs, who does not allow recreational sales, but does allow for medical.

In a letter to the Brush City Council, Erker explains his perspective and goals for the transformation. From the Brush News Tribune:

He said he wants to manufacture a product that is legal in Colorado and that would create jobs and increase revenue for Brush.

According to Erker, the facility could initially generate 31 jobs and substantial tax revenue, which could help build better schools, and that such tax revenue from marijuana sales in the state is only available to communities that participate in the production or sale of marijuana.

Erker said the facility would be protected “by a fence away from the rest of community and that we would want off duty officers there.”

Hopefully the town’s moratorium will be removed in the near future, and Erker can start his venture!