Portland Allows Carrying Cannabis on In-State Flights

Portland Oregon Sign
Photo by: Dave Newman/Shutterstock

Portland International Airport made headlines last week when it announced that travellers can now carry cannabis on in-state flights.

That’s so Portland.

The announcement came soon after a law took effect that legalized recreational marijuana possession and use throughout the state. Oregon law allows for people to carry up to one ounce of marijuana. This is the same as the amount Portland International Airport is allowing to be carried on flights or in baggage.

Smoking cannabis is obviously still not allowed on planes, nor are cannabis vapes.

While this may seem crazy to people who live outside of Oregon, locals are quite used to authorities being lax about cannabis use. Portland PD are well known for not taking marijuana related offenses seriously. Props to them for taking an educated stance on cannabis!

More information is below, via UPI:

Airport officials said the Transportation Security Administration is not focused on finding marijuana, but rather keeping up with security and safety issues. If a TSA agent finds a passenger with marijuana, the local police will be notified to ensure it is within the legal weight limit (up to an ounce), the passenger is of legal age to carry the drug (21) and the boarding pass indicates an in-state flight. If everything checks out, the passenger is free to travel.