Judge Says Kindergartner Can Take Cannabis Oil at School

children getting on school bus

SANTA ROSA, Calif. — The Santa Rosa Press-Democrat reported Friday that 5-year-old Brooke Adams, a kindergartner at Village Elementary School, can continue to bring cannabis oil to school.

Judge Charles Marson ruled that a temporary order allowing the girl to take her medicine to school will now be permanent. Adams has a severe form of epilepsy known as Dravet Syndrome, a condition that causes multiple seizures daily. One in five patients with Dravet syndrome will die before reaching the age of 20.

Cannabis oil containing both THC and CBD has reduced Brooke's seizures to approximately once per week while also dramatically shortening the length of the seizures. Jana Adams is the girl's mother and says that cannabis oil is an emergency medication for her child.

"The THC actually works like a rescue medication. It stops (the seizures) within three minutes, and that's really the life-saving part for us." Adams also noted that CBD works to prevent Brooke's seizures and said that cannabis oil saves her daughter from needing an emergency room visit.

Cannabis oil is known to decrease seizures up to 90 percent. Brooke currently attends school with a nurse who has given her the medicine three times while in class during the temporary order.

School Officials Tried to Prohibit Medicine on School Premises

The kindergartner's school is part of the Rincon Valley Union School District and school officials had tried to prohibit the girl from bringing cannabis oil onto school premises, citing state and federal laws that ban cannabis on school grounds.

Cathy Myhers is the district assistant superintendent for student services and was one of the officials arguing against accommodating Brooke, recommending that she be home-schooled. Adams disagreed and said that it was important for Brooke's development to be able to socialize with the other children at school.

Meyers now says that she is happy with the ruling. "We are pleased with the decision and guidance. We are happy to have a decision that supports our ability to educate and serve this student in our public schools."

Adams is thrilled that she no longer has to keep fighting the system that wouldn't allow for her child to be medicated at school. "I was so overwhelmed with emotion and joy that we don't have to fight anymore after a battle of over two years," said Adams, adding she is relieved that her daughter can keep attending the school where she belongs.