Drug bust or huge embarrassment? Hemp or felony weed hype? The highway patrol in Kansas confiscated 350-pounds of plants *two years ago from a Fed-Ex truck. Troopers said it "stunk" like weed. Paperwork from the ag department says it was hemp. The Huff Post says the problem is after all of this time, "Kansas authorities still don't know what they actually seized."


The "painful" truth about pot.  Turns out, the cannabis plant can offer natural pain relief. U of G researchers unlocked pain-relieving molecules, calling it "30 times more powerful at reducing inflammation than Aspirin." They say it offers potent relief without addiction to other painkillers.


And what's your favorite classic stoner movie? Cheech and Chong, Half Baked, Harold and Kumar? Check out what made the list of top movies on Leafbuyer's blog page.
