Florida Protesters Demand Opportunity for Smokable Marijuana
ORLANDO, Fla. – The Orlando Sentinel reported Wednesday that Florida protesters marched in Orlando to demand the state's governor allow medical marijuana cardholders to grow marijuana. They also want Gov. Rick Scott to drop marijuana appeals preventing a judge's ruling allowing smokable marijuana.
Seventy-two percent of Florida voters legalized the drug in 2016, but the Florida State Legislature restricted the law to allow edibles only and prohibited smokable marijuana. The move won the governor, nicknamed Slick Rick.
Morgan persuaded the judge that smokable marijuana is a necessity for certain cardholders. Morgan also argued that banning smokable marijuana violated the constitution.
Leon County circuit court Judge Karen Gievers agreed and ruled that it was irrelevant if smokable marijuana helped people or not because the voters had already decided the issue.
"Floridians have already given the rights of qualifying cardholders constitutional protection,” she stated in the ruling.
Accused of playing politics, Gov. Scott placed a stay on the ruling the same day, to which the judge lifted in June and again ruled that a ban on smokable marijuana was unconstitutional. Protesters also want the governor to drop the appeal against the ruling in the case of Joe Redner, who grows his own marijuana for therapeutic use.
Slick Rick Ain't Doing the Trick with Smokable Marijuana
Spokeswoman for Gov. Scott, Mara Gambineri defended the pot appeals by saying that cardholders do have access to medical marijuana.
"There is even a home delivery option," she added. Gambineri went on to say that the law does not allow smokable marijuana and accused the protesters of being "disingenuous" for suggesting otherwise.
Morgan took to Twitter to shame the governor.ill
"#SlickRick please follow the law & the will of 72% of the people. Every day you waste taxpayers’ money w/ this frivolous appeal sick people, veterans, cops, firefighters & cancer patients suffer! Where is your compassion man?"
Florida State Rep. Carlos Guillermo Smith (D) and democratic candidate for the House Anna Eskamani spoke at the event. Both politicians expressed the importance of medical marijuana with Smith concluding that the issue boiled down to morals.
"It's about right and wrong," said Smith. Protesters also marched in West Palm Beach and Tallahassee protesting the pot appeals.