Colorado City’s Pot Sales Fall For First Time Since July 2015

Breckenridge Colorado

Breckenridge, a skiers dream location, is home to some of the finest marijuana in Colorado and it has seen positive growth in cannabis sales since July 2015. However, this year, that streak came to an end. According to the latest city financial report, Breckenridge saw a decrease in sales in September.

A positive for the city of Breckenridge is that they are still on track for positive sales growth in 2017. There are currently four dispensaries in the city and all of them sell recreational marijuana. Dispensaries, like Green Dragon, have been thriving since the start of recreational marijuana sales.

Colorado has been selling recreational marijuana since January 1st, 2014 and the economy has been booming ever since. Last year, Colorado marijuana tax revenue hit $200 million, which isn’t surprising since there are currently more marijuana dispensaries in the state, than there are Starbucks.

With recreational cannabis going on to its 4th year in operation, will we start to see marijuana revenue start to decrease?